LinkedIn Advanced Search

A Complete Guide To LinkedIn Advanced Search

What is LinkedIn Advanced Search?

Learning how to use Linkedin’s advanced search is fairly easy, but has changed over time. Using this tool allows you to find direct leads and then pursue them as clients or communicate with them directly

How Do I Access LinkedIn Advanced Search?

Now that you’ve heard so much about this special search option you may be wondering how to find it? Or you might be questioning where it went since the last time you were on LinkedIn.

To access the advanced search option follow these steps below.

1. To access the search feature on LinkedIn you are going to want to open LinkedIn.com. Once you are on the front page of the website continue to type into the search bar at the top.

2. Once you have created a search you will be able to dive in depth with your results via the advanced search. Since LinkedIn has updated the advanced search is now considered “Filters”. You can easily continue on with the search by clicking “All Filters” located at the left of your search bar.

3. Now that you have clicked on the all filters option a page filled with tons of more information should have appeared. On this page, you are able to fill out all of the information regarding whoever you may be looking for. This allows you to narrow your search results down to an exact person or from a certain location.

Imagine… you have just entered a search, but 300,000 results appeared. How would you ever manage to find the right person you are looking for? Well, that is where this option comes in handy as with the LinkedIn advanced search option you can narrow your search and find the right people you are looking for. Some of the particular options are shown below.

How To Use LinkedIn Advanced Search

Luckily for us, LinkedIn has made the search a lot easier now with this update. We are now able to select a few buttons and narrow down our search. If you check out the search option on LinkedIn you will see this new interface. Although you may be unfamiliar with this new search it is quite simple. If you follow the steps below you will have an accurate way of finding the correct prospect through LinkedIn advanced search.

  1. Enter the name of the person you are trying to search for in the white search bar.
  2. Once you have entered your search you can continue to scroll through the results or use LinkedIn’s advanced search.
  3. To access the advanced search simply click on the “All Filters” after your query has been returned.
  4. Next to minimize the results, even more, you can adjust the settings to find your exact person through the company, position, and area.
  5. This tool will allow you to minimize general results and find the exact person that you may be looking for with ease.

The LinkedIn advanced search allows you to find prospective clients easily and propels you on LinkedIn to the next level.


So, in conclusion, above we have explained how you can use LinkedIn’s advanced search tool to find the exact person in any position in a company. Hopefully, this guide helped you in finding that special someone and how to use the social media platform to your advantage. If you have any questions or comments we would love to hear from you in the comment section below. Simply ask us a question or write your thoughts on this article and we would love to respond to you.

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